I’ve read this document I got off of the Facebook page of Adam Rehmeier who
directed The Bunny Game that is a study conducted for the BBFC (who’ve banned
and cut a slew of horror films in recent years, including The Bunny Game and
Human Centipede 2) on sexual violence and sadism in films done on a study group
in the UK.I’m way too lazy to bother
looking for the link, it’s on Adam Rehmeir’s FB page if you’re really
interested in it.The general purpose of
the study is to justify censorship.But
I so enjoyed reading it.The films
discussed in the study include Antichrist, Wolf Creek, Martyrs, the Killer Inside
Me, I Spit on Your Grave (the remake), A Serbian Film, Human Centipede 2, the Bunny
Game, and the Japanese film Grotesque.All these films were either given 18 certificates, massive forced cuts
in scenes, or in the case of The Bunny Game and Grotesque, completely banned in
the UK altogether.I haven’t seen Wolf Creek or the Killer
Inside Me, I will have to check those out.I’ve seen the original I Spit on Your Grave, but I did not have any intention
of seeing the remake, but since it made it into this stupid BBFC study, I will
now have to go and check it out.I
didn’t like Grotesque that much when I saw it even though the BBFC had banned
it, but I may have to give it another shot, based on reading this report.All the films on this report in a sense are classics
by the mere fact that they made it on to this preposterous report.Don’t get me wrong- I loved reading this
report.It’s like a who’s who of
contemporary horror cinema.I could spend
hours and hours re-reading the plot synopsis again and again of many of my
favorite films.You know how serial
killers get excited re-living their own crimes and such?That’s how I felt reading descriptions of
scenes from all those horror films.I
was always kind of into horror films, but when I really got into horror films
was when I moved to Vegas because I found this place the Sci-Fi Center where I
work now that screened them for five dollars.That’s around the time that Martyrs and Human Centipede and those kinds
of films started coming out, so I have a real affection for some of these
films.I’m a little surprised that Dead
Snow did not make the list, that’s a good one.Are those films vulgar,
repulsive, or sinful if you want to be religious about it?I would probably say that they are if I really
thought about it for a while.That does
not in and of itself give reason for such films to be censored or banned.The people who made those films did
accomplish what they sought out to accomplish in making those films which was
in essence to make intense and terrifying horror films.I’ve read Tom Six quoted as being upset about
the since lifted ban of Human Centipede 2 in the UK, but it would almost seem
the highest honor a film of the kind could receive.I do feel to be honest a kind of impetus to move
on and do other things. I’ve gotten sick of being the Human Centipede review
guy.What I have learned from putting
out books that didn’t sell at all in my 20’s is that now I post based on what
gets the most hits and that’s ended up being for the most part horror movie
reviews and right wing internet radio.I
did get a fair bit of attention from writing on some of these very same films
discussed in the study, in some cases overseas and from some fairly serious art
world and academic types in Germany and the UK.Based on that I suppose in that sense I was able to get a kind of
prestige and sense of reward out of it. So are these immoral films that I
regret having watched? Yes and no.That
film Martyrs is really good.Antichrist
is a good film.Human Centipede 2 and A
Serbian Film, I could certainly see where people would find these films
objectionable but there is actually a certain artistry that is there. Members of this stupid
BBFC study groups suggested that the films may lead to a glorification of
sexual violence, particularly in young men.I hate to inform the BBFC, but people commit rape and films do not
commit rape. The UK, of course, banned conservative radio show host Michael
Savage from entering the country, so their little fetish for censorship doesn’t
stop with horror films featuring rape and/or torture sequences.They also suppress political material on the
grounds of being “hate speech”, so it is really a very serious issue.The state apparatus perpetuates its own
existence by such censorship.That’s
true especially if it’s someone like Michael Savage who spends a lot of time
challenging the appropriate place of government. So the British government doesn’t have a leg
to stand on with any of this. The closest I’ve ever come to being offended by
Adam Rehmeier is when he posted that he didn’t like Prometheus, which is one of
my favorites.I have always admired Adam
Rehmeier, Human Centipede 2 director Tom Six, and Michael Savage for being
banned in the UK.I was able to tell Adam
Rehmeier this personally on FB, which he thanked me for. They have effectively spat in the face of
political correctness and for this they should be applauded. I’ve also always admired Ron Paul, Bob Barr
and Chuck Baldwin for being called out in the MIAC documents. Hey, I’m a
libertarian, I don’t like socialist censorship. I also watch hours and hours of
horror films and listen to hours and hours of right wing radio. You know I have
to, it’s the way I charm the ladies.There are those two things, and being extremely closed minded about a
very slim number of either old gothic/industrial type bands or older metal
bands being the only bands worth listening to.I mean, how else do you attract women other than being able to listen to
hours and hours of right wing radio on end and being obsessed with the Bunny
Game and Human Centipede 2?