Williamsburg is incapable of doing much more then produce excremental music. Panda Bear? Did you ever that pussy Panda Bear? In all seriousness, almost as soon as I returned to New York from two years in Las Vegas I was starting to work on leaving it for Philadelphia, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the presence of people who listen to Panda Bear factors strongly into that, albeit New York’s strict gun laws and high rent also figure into that. In Las Vegas music was bad, but it was “Poker Face” and “Waking up In Vegas” over and over. There was nothing as horrible as Panda Bear. Panda Bear more or less sounds like an art student defecating in a studio. I have no use for it, but I see ads up for his new album all over the Williamsburg/Greenpoint area, which is such an annoyance that it actually hastens me to do what I can to get out of here. What is a criminal injustice is that at the same time that Panda Bear is getting a fair bit of press, Akitsa, certainly one of the greatest bands I have yet to hear, gets no press.
Akitsa are from Quebec. I can’t find an official webpage for them, a Wikipedia article, or an official webpage for them, although I do recall they had a myspace at one point. I found one very odd interview with them for ten years ago. They are considered part of subgenre within a subgenre of primitive black metal, but at times they sound more like doom metal then black metal. They have been around since the late 90’s. Quebec has a long tradition of such violent music, going back to Voivod’s masterpiece War and Pain. There was a rumor for a while that Akitsa were neo-Nazis, but they denied that in the one interview I found with them. I think they’re one of those bands that uses low fidelity or cassette recording on purpose. I do not retain enough French knowledge to make out their lyrics at all, but then again, I’d have difficulty understanding them in English, most likely. They leave so much distortion on their recordings it is unreal. I don’t know what kind of distortion petals they use specifically, but whatever they are using they turn it all the way up. In fact they can’t seem to get enough of it, they generate walls and walls of it. They don’t even use drums on all their material. Such is the case on the title track of this one album I downloaded by them, au Crépuscule de L'espérance. They have a bunch of tracks were the vocals do not even sound human. Akitsa is brutal and aggressive noise.
Long Live Akitsa!!!!
I concur. Their collaboration with Thesyre is great as well, highly recommended. The mailorder run by a member, Tour De Garde, gave me great service as well.