Film Review! The Sinful Dwarf (1973)
The Sinful Dwarf is a Danish film from the 70’s. It’s pretty infamous. Its pretty offensive towards little people. The dwarf is an adult that still plays with toys, for example. Of course, I get a laugh out of this kind of thing. Also, if a film is offensive, if a film gets to you, then it’s hit on something, hasn’t it?
Plotline, a dwarf on his mother are running a boarding house where they keep naked women captive for sexually slavery type purposes, whoring them. The dwarf shoots them up with heroin. The one couple that’s at the boarding house actually renting a room starts getting very curious about what might be going on with the strange noises. When the captives are sexually manhandled and assaulted, they get into it and funky 70’s porno music with wah-wah guitar effects plays, like a bad stereotype of 70’s pornography. That’s what happens when you rape women held captive by a dwarf? I never would have guessed! The only thing that is realistic about this film is that the husband in the couple is a writer and he’s broke as a joke. The dwarf whips the chicks he holds captives. There’s a heroin dealer named Santa Claus that deals for the madam- heroin in the toys. In a nice little plotline the husband gets hired by Santa Claus to run smack. Of course it goes without saying that the mother and the dwarf capture the guy’s wife, when the dwarf and his mom undress her and force her into the attic where they stash the sex slaves, that wacky seventies porn music plays. There’s a fairly graphic scene of the dwarf raping the wife with his cane towards the end. There’s a lot of graphic rape at the end. Danish law enforcement shows up and the gig is up when the husband puts two and two together towards the end. The dwarf jumps out a window to avoid imprisonment at the end.
The Severin DVD has a funny little DVD feature about video store employees who developed traumatic experience from watching the Sinful Dwarf on marijuana, and how traumatic it was, and they blame the film for causing them to take medication. I don’t know if the video store employees are real, they could almost be. I don’t know, I don’t smoke pot anymore and I’m an oddly emotionally detached human being, but sure, I’d buy that you might not want to watch it on mind altering substances that might intensify a fear response. The rape sequences show full frontal on the women.
“Yes, but William”, you ask, “is it a good film”? It’s an okay film. It’s hard to imagine reconstructing the most offensive horror/grindhouse films ever made and not have an entry on Sinful Dwarf, because hey, midget rape. There are numerous scenes that have the dwarf’s evil mother recollecting her glory days in show business that are pointless and drag. Still, it is the Sinful Dwarf, a well-regarded grindhouse film. I mean, come on, there is only one Sinful Dwarf and this film is it.
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