Monday, July 18, 2011

Terrible Music! Black Tape For a Blue Girl "Within These Walls"

There was a while when I aspired to create music like this. I’m not simply talking about liking this song-I’m talking about I once aspired to make this kind of music. My general excuse has been that my mother had passed away in 2002, and that it was also a sexual thing in so far as I wanted to surround myself with beautiful women through making this kind of music. Oddly enough, someone who played with Black Tape for a Blue Girl laughed at the idea that Sam Rosenthal was a Casanova.
For music reviews on here I like to do the metal reviews. You show me a metal band from Finland and I will most likely say how genius they are. A band from Helsinki or a band from Montreal that plays metal that is any way progressive or in the vein of Voivod or Celtic Frost is good to go. That to me is very easily the way metal should be dealt with. It’s very much an echo of the sentiments that Lou Reed has expressed lately about playing with Metallica. If nothing else, I can attest to the speed at which a band like In Silentio Noctis (unfortunately broken up now) could play.
I also like reviewing or writing on gothic bands on here, but it is a far more complex relationship. I had a genuine fondness if not obsession with gothic music in my teens and into my twenties, but as my twenties progressed it became more and more that the appeal of it was passing away from me, but that I was in denial of this. At the same time, I’ve admitted on the page that Serpentine Gallery by Switchblade Symphony is a kind of neglected classic or semi-classic. So it is a far more complex topic for me to speak of.
Having already written a blog on what a bad piece of music This Mortal Coil’s version of “Kangaroo” by Big Star is, and having already written about how I was a fan of Projekt records and was friends with Patrick Ogle of the Projekt records band Thanatos for a while, I think the inevitable next move is to point out what a bad song “Within These Walls” by Black Tape for a Blue Girl is, seeing as it is much the same kind of bad music as This Mortal Coil’s version of “Kangaroo”. Terrible, terrible “art” music is what it is.
I was quite surprised to see on Wikipedia today that Brian what’s-his-face from The Dresden Dolls had ended up playing with Black Tape for a Blue Girl for a while. Amanda Palmer must have really thrown that guy under the bus, because I recall the Dresden Dolls got to the point where there t-shirts and such where everywhere, but Patrick Ogle told me that Black Tape for a Blue Girl never sold at all. During the 200’s the old bands from the Porjekt label were sort of the scene as bands like the Dresden Dolls, I knew that because I was a kind of in that scene a little bit. I would never have guessed that Brian from The Dresden Dolls would have ended up backing Rosenthal. Early Black Tape for a Blue Girl is probably musically better, but they never sold well at all, stayed relatively obscure, and are sort of weak. "Within These Walls" was their first album, they made 25 years worth of more music. You can imagine the depths of bad music they sank to?

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