Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Occupy and Sovereign Citizens (Part 2)

This is a special blog for those in the Occupy movement. I don't think your movement is really challenging the base level of the system. I don't think the F.B.I cares that much about you. I don't think the power structures that you feel you have offended have been offended. I don't think they care one way or another. There have been some conflicts with police…but here's what you have to do if confronted by the police. If you want to be a real revolutionary, this is what you gotta do. You have to take the stance that Sovereign Citizen David Russell Myrland has taken. If a cop stops you for not having a license plate, you tell the cop that he actually has no legal right to stop you. Be sure to have firearms on your person. Then, you send letters to the mayor of that city you were stopped in threatening to arrest him. They'll love you. Then, when you get sentenced to prison for threatening the mayor, you file a lawsuit against the federal prosecutors for using incorrect legal terminology and grammar. That constitutes a total affront to the governing power structures of our society. You hold up a bunch of signs, the police may employ tear gas for the purpose of crowd dispersal at the very most. Then again, you may not be as revolutionary as you claim to be or think you are. My wild guess is that is the case, if you really thought about it. Of course, there is nothing stopping you from quoting David Graeber in an attempt to justify your existence or the usefulness of your liberal arts degree. I'm sure the power structure is terrified of David Graeber…he sure looks intimidating…

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