Sunday, March 11, 2012

Micro- Budget Gore Film Fun/Intervision Pictures,a Company to Watch!

Along with the Burning Moon which I've already written is coming in the mail, the films Grotesque (2009 Japanese film made illegal in the U.K.) and Things (1989 Canadian film) are also now coming in in the mail, and should be here by about Thursday. Grotesque is yet another film banned in the UK in recent years like The Bunny Game and Human Centipede 2, and apparently is a torture film much akin to the first two films in the Guinea Pig series. Needless to say I'm quite excited to have a look at that. Things is not a film that was ever made illegal but is said to be quite horrific in a different sense-unbelievably low budget, badly made and incoherent. Clips I've seen of Things are pretty funny. It is worth noting that both Burning Moon and Things are released by an odd little company called Intervision Pictures. Intervision Pictures seems to be a company to really watch, they've seemed to specialize in very odd low budget releases such as Burning Moon and things. There's a Canadian shot-on-video slasher movie entitled Sledgehammer that they put out as well as a 90's film about Jeffery Dahmer, another straight-to-video film oddity. The Dahmer film that Intervision Pictures re-released is also on YouTube. I'm more than happy to review a film I don't have to pay to see, so there's a chance I'll take a look at that at some point soon. Sledgehammer looks really intriguing. I actually came across this review of Sledgehammer that goes it high marks and says that it is actually amazing filmmaking. From what I've heard, I'd agree with the reviewer about the soundtrack. I have a real affection for the incidental music in 80's horror films. It is not surprising that ultra-low budget video oddities from the 80's would have incredible soundtracks like that. I will withhold judgement on whether or not I think the odd use of slow motion in Sledgehammer really constitutes some unappreciated form of brilliant filmmaking until I've seen the film, I probably will watch it though.

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