Friday, April 27, 2012

More Hardcore Snuff Film Action with Emanuelle in America

It was inevitable that I would have to review this film based on the degree of success I've had with films that have plot-lines involving snuff flicks- this one is sort of the 70's European soft-core "erotica" type film on the list. This is a film by Joe D'amato who has a couple of films on the "video nasties" list of films banned in the UK back in the 80's, but I think D'amato mostly did soft-core. For a while he had this pretty Indonesian actress Laura Gemser doing films with him. Indonesian? A good chunk of this film, oddly enough given the title, doesn't even take place in America. I should warn you, this film includes, at one point, what appears to be footage of real bestiality involving a horse. There is an incredible soundtrack by Nico Fidenco if you are a fan of music like Goblin the soundtrack will be right up your alley. Without going into a full plot synopsis on it because I find doing it boring. The general story line is about a woman photo-journalist who goes undercover to investigate prostitution, orgies and eventually it gets into snuff films. The movie is more than half over by the time the snuff flick issue comes up, and there's a whole lot of footage of the woman journalist, Emanuelle, using a secret camera to take pictures of people at orgies and engaged in prostitution of various kinds. The film certainly has a storyline but the sex scenes are really explicit. I guess real bestiality footage is a little much for most audiences, it was a little much for me even though that scene is quite brief. The woman journalist gets around through sex in pretty much all situations. There's a corrupt, sexually perverted Washington politician at the end, so I guess though this is a European film it was clearly made by a European with a good understanding of U.S. politics, that's for sure- not that Italian politics have been that much different in recent years. By the end the Emanuelle seems to get off on the snuff flick stuff. There's also an LSD sequence at the end. I haven't used LSD in many years and years but the LSD sequence is in no way reminiscent of LSD. The ending of the film makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I've seen this film listed as among the most disturbing films ever made in on-line lists. That's not nearly the case, although I could have done without the horse footage. The soundtrack is the film's one real saving grace, but then again, I am very specifically a fan of that kind of thing. I recall once reading somewhere that Joe D'amato's wife said she divorced him because he was throwing orgies in the same house that children were living in, but I can't for the life of me recall where I read that, and wouldn't know if it was true or not even if I could remember where I'd seen that detail.

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