Monday, June 4, 2012

Extreme Snuff and Cartoon Porn Action!: Luka Magnotta’s 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick and Josh Powell’s Spongebob Squarepants Porn Collection

Today saw the arrest of Luka Magnotta, one gay porn star from Montreal in Berlin. Magnotta is accused of killing a Chinese student, dismembering the body, having sex with the body, and video tapping it, and mailing a dismembered foot to the headquarters of the Canadian Conservative Party. I blogged on the case a few days ago, which attracted attention mostly from people looking for the video, which is entitled “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick”. It is till unclear whether or not Magnotta's video meets the definition of "snuff film" because it is unclear if he wanted to sell the video. The blog post about Magnotta is still surpassed in popularity by my blog posts on the subject of Josh Powell, who set his two sons and himself on fire in relation to a custody battle he was likely to lose because hundreds of images of cartoon characters such as Spongebob Squarepants engaging in sexual and sometimes incestuous acts where found in his possession. The case of Powell and the case of Magnotta are parallel in certain ways. In the case of Powell, my blog gets thousands of hits from people looking for the Spongebob Squarepants porn just as the hundreds of hits that my blog on Luka Magnotta got have been mostly from people looking for “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick”. The notion that there is no relationship between violent crime and pornography is clearly false. In these cases we see extreme pornography of one kind or another as fetishes of the perpetrators. In the case of Magnotta pornography was also, of course, his occupation. It looks like Josh Powell had previously gotten away with killing his wife Susan Powell, so Josh Powell had a certain degree of competency as a criminal. Magnotta was caught within days and was an especially sloppy and incompetent criminal. In both cases we are talking about minds in states of extreme decay, but Magnotta was particularly non-functional. The psyche of an individual like Magnotta is not sophisticated. Josh Powel died by suicide (he burned alive) and Magnotta will surely go to prison for years, so neither story ends well for the perpetrator. I get very bored of writing about this kind of fecal matter, but audiences do not get bored of looking it up. It is of some slightly tangential relationship to the primary subject of this blog, which has become horror films due to public interest.

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