Sunday, September 11, 2011

Film Review: When They Came After Ward Churchill

Reflecting on the tenth year since the 9-11 tragedy. Ward Churchill, do you remember this freak?

This guy compared victims of 9-11 to the Nazi Eichmann. He was an academic. He eventually got fired from University of Colorado. He’s also an idiot.
What he has a Marxist spin on 9-11, he saw it as a strike of oppressed people against the power structure of empire. Here are two things that leaves out:

1. Osama Bin Laden, far from a proletariat, had extreme wealth.
2. Osama Bin Laden’s struggle was to convert the world to Islam, or at least his understanding of it.
I would also like to point out that Ward Chruchill is not, as he claims, a Native American. He’s white. So when he uses his whole Native American angle as a rhetorical device, you can ignore that. He’s also an annoying, academic horses ass.
Yeah, he liked his position as a post-structural little leftist academic, but Osama bin Laden was not big on the rights of women that Western Feminists embrace at all.
Ward Chruchill’s arguments are full of such holes. I’ll tell you in very simple terms what Ward Churchill is. He’s a leftist wing nut. A free market system is not necessarily the enemy of the third world. I think it’s fairly clear that people of the 3rd world will drive taxis in the United States if given the opportunity to do so. I’d also like to point out that Ward Chruchill pointed to the economic oppression of African-Americans in the United States. I would like to point out that where we have a welfare system that does not check need that one take a drug test to get food stamps, for example, or prohibit violent felons from receiving welfare or food stamps, we have a socialist little system that subsidizes the societal problems in the African American community from obesity to virulent homophobia to gang violence on up.
By the way, this documentary is awful it didn’t at any point show what the conservative counter arguments would have been. It just lets Ward do what Ward does best, be a pompous ass and a leftist wing nut.
This is a joke. You don’t bough to the one Allah, Zarqawi would remove the head of a poor man as much as a rich man.

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