Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Give Devon White Your Money!

I went to the same college (Bard) as this sideshow freak. He’s involved with N.L.P and the whole “Life Coach” thing. It’s so funny, that book by David Mamet I reviewed on here, The Secret Knowledge, in which he explains why he’s switched over the years from the political left to the political right. I’ve written about this elsewhere, but Mamet essentially argues that the liberal arts school does not make productive citizens but rather erodes productivity and discipline in it’s students, producing citizens who have no true marketable skills (after all, a gender studies student is taught how to be offended by misogyny and homophobia, but that is not a marketable skill), a deep resentment for the capitalist system of reward for work, and an incredible arrogance. Mamet more or less says outright that gender studies, theory, and deconstruction have no real intellectual merit. He also writes about New Age being symptomatic of this same problem and specifically rights about the problem that liberal arts colleges produce “life coaches”!
Bahaha, that’s hilarious! Theory people might be able to come up with some kind of counter argument, but to counter the part of Mamet’s argument about new age, you’d have to intellectually defend the legitimacy of Devon White. And if you do that, people will think you’re a cult member that belongs in a psyche ward!

He’s got all the answers and he’s going to tell you all about it! He’s going to tell you all about the warrior path! Just give him all you money!

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