Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rick Moody and "Democratic Need"…

You know, it's funny. in 1994 a studied with the the author Rick Moody at Bennington College in Vermont, Two years after that I ran across a compilation from the goth label Projekt records that featured Patrick Ogle under the name Thanatos. Years later I became friends with Patrick Ogle. They have mysteriously become the same bad, bad writer. If you go back into Patrick Ogle's work he reviews some horribly bad bands. I used to say that I stopped being friends with Patrick Ogle because he interviewed Silverchair. That was actually the end of a long line of excremental bands. If memory serves Patrick Ogle interviewed Interpol's drummer at one point. Rick has pulled some similar crap moves in recent years. He interviewed Moby not long ago. Patrick has worked more on film in recent years, but it is not film that I care about particularly. Actually, my Dad contacted me specifically to tell me that I should add the Tree of Life to my worst films ever made list. I haven't done it because I'm sure that it is, and I don't want ton watch it. Patrick Ogle liked it. It makes very little sense to me. I've discussed the censorship issues surrounding Human Centipede 2 on here, A Serbian Film has been banned in a number of countries. If you go into the whole MIAC documents controversy and related issues you'll find a similar state suppression of right wing ideas. The Sex Pistols at the height of punk weren't banned anywhere. I think Moody and Ogle there have picked some serious non-issues to write on. I'm not sure what exactly happened to those guys. It would seem to me that Moody and Ogle were somewhat edgy or relevant in the 90's. Not anymore. Moody is re-playing his fixation with the 80's college radio band the Feelies for no good reason. Whatever was interesting about what he was is no longer there. Maybe it was never really there. Surely, there is more to existence, even if it is to stand against the emptiness of existence with a loaded firearm. It is, granted, difficult to write reviews. I don't see why a double review of Inseminoid or Humanoids for the Deep or a review of "Satanic Royalty" by Midnight would attract the most attention. Those are mediocre films and a mediocre bands, I had to be quite careful to be quite critical of them. Inseminoid is a film I laugh at. I was amazed to see how many people found that review looking for pornographic images of rape. I wondered if the same would be true of snuff films, so when I reviewed Snuff: A Documentary about Killing on Camera, I gave the review a title that I suggested that I had my hands on real snuff films. I was right. I have in this way submitted to what Rick calls "democratic need"-I suspect this was a dimension of democratic need he had not envisioned...

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