Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There is Little Chance I Won't Review Prometheus

My biggest current project is a relatively realistic collection of short stories based on blue collar/local life in Las Vegas. It would contain certain elements of crime writing in it, taking cue from Joseph Wombaugh and Derek Raymond. It would also take cues from Cormac McCarthy and very early Burroughs, specifically the Burroughs of Junkie, except that I have a tendency to prefer the vignette form. I even plan to pick up some Raymond Carver at the local bookstore today, as I've heard he did a lot of vignette work on blue-collar type characters. I don't have a publishing deal so that is likely to appear as an e-book release. The stories about Vegas tend to write themselves and they come very much out of my daily life.My political ideas are more likely to attract attention on the format of internet radio, because I'm a conservative of the libertarian strain and the political right has a real fixation with talk radio for some reason. The pilot type episode I did for a radio show this summer actually got something in the neighborhood of 700 hits, which was more hits than any text blogs I did on the subject ever got, so it's unlikely that I will be writing a lot on the political end of things directly, since internet radio is where such commentary is likely to get more notice. I don't know what it is with American political conservatives and talk radio, but there's obviously a very strong relationship. I'm not abandoning the horror film angle completely, not by a long shot. Films like Human Centipede 2 and the Bunny Game are good to write on because of questions involving the whole censorship issue, but I think the big horror film for 2012 to really speak on will most likely be Prometheus. If my most read blog has been a review of Inseminoid, which is in certain ways a slightly poor and low budget version of Alien, then the Alien prequel could be huge. So, relax, there is little chance I won't review Prometheus. I like horror films and I have the habit of playing black metal and goth music playing while I lift weights or perform other tasks. Those are good angles to explore in that there's a lot of public interest in them, but there's only much time you can spend decoding the aesthetics of a band like Sleep Chamber or Christian Death. Even William Powell over at the Sci-fi Center in Las Vegas, a kind of sic-fi/horror purist has people coming in on Monday nights to screen films like Holy Mountain. Don't get me wrong, I could not be more excited about the Prometheus coming out in June. That thing looks absolutely sweet. There are also those who abandon the sci-fi/horror film and go off in poor directions. I'm a strong admirer of David Cronenberg, but I was shocked to learn last night that his next film project is an adaptation of Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo.Not only do I hate Don DeLillo, I recall that this was a particularly bad Don DeLillo book. I was paid to write a review of it for A Gathering of The Tribes by Steve Cannon, I don't think the review was ever used, and I don't still have a copy of it. That's good because that book is excrement, I doubt even Cronenberg can pull a good film out of it. I think Croenberg would have been much better served to stay along the lines of his earlier films like Scanners and Videodrome. Ridley Scott who made Alien and Blade Runner went all the way back there for Prometheus. That is something I will keep in mind. Prometheus looks frigging sweet. In the beginning of the first Alien film there is that corpse of the creature in the chair, it would appear to have to do with that creature, and an explanation of what that was all about and where the "Xenomorph" alien in the first film came from. It has been clarified that the humans in Prometheus are looking for the roots of the human race.

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