Sunday, June 10, 2012

Impregnated with a Tentacle Monster: Prometheus Review

I apologize for the title of the post. In order to get larger numbers of hits I have made named it as such so this post could be mistaken for Japanese tentacle hentai porn, which gets all kinds of websearches. This post is actually mostly a review of the film Prometheus. You have to meet your audience half way. Prometheus does have part in which a woman is impregnated with a tentacle monster, so this blog talks a little bit about that they want, a little bit about what i want to talk about. Ridley Scott has been gloating a little bit about how brilliant his new Alien prequel is (there was some question about whether Prometheus was an Alien prequel-it very much is). The general premise I think is perhaps more clever and engaging then the film itself is. Basically, these humans find these ancient cave drawings and ancient pictograms displaying gigantic beings pointing at a star- they think it’s an invitation from the aliens called “the Engineers” to come visit them. They go to the planet in the star map and their understanding of the pictograms is all wrong and what they stumble into is a planet which is a military outpost and they walk into a biological weapon storehouse. The aliens are the same alien in the chair at the beginning of alien. The implication, which actually makes the original Alien make more sense, is that the xenomorphs from the Aliens films was one of their weapons. That would explain why the alien was able to gestate in a human host, it was designed as a weapon to specifically do that. Some variation of the Xenomorph species makes a cameo at the very end popping out of the Engineers’ chest. The Elizabeth Shaw character, one of the scientist is impregnated with a tentacle creature that is some variation on the “facehugger” from the Alien films. I don’t feel like writing out an entire plot synopsis of it because that is boring and plot synopsis of Prometheus are widely available on-line elsewhere. I was very excited that this film was coming out and it is a satisfying and watchable film. I don’t think Ridley Scott is being nearly as philosophically interesting as he thinks he’s being by basing a film around the idea that aliens created the human race, which is an idea that come up here and there in UFO books and such. They left a number of things unresolved certainly with the intention of doing a franchise that would be a kind of Alien spin off franchise with Elizabeth Shaw as the new Ripley character. I got a kick out of the nasty irony of the general premise though. I sided with the Engineers for being a ruthless, militaristic race. It’s pretty good, I like it. Not as good as I thought it would be, but pretty good.

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