Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Yes, if you've followed this page, it was inevitable: the review of the movie which is actually called Snuff. The film Snuff from 1976 is kind of inexplicable. It did very well commercially in it's time for the reason that people believed it contained real snuff footage. It's fairly outrageous that one would think that is the case, but at the time people did. A porn industry guy named Alan Shakelton took this South American exploitation film based loosely on the Manson family killings named Slaughter from 1971- much the kind of film that Something Weird video would dig up- and re-released it with a new ten minute ending tacked on where the camera pulls away to a movie set, the director starts making sexual advances on the actress in the film, and then the director and film crew kill the actress, catching it all on film. As I referenced on the previous blog, the director says something like "that was dynamite, that was a gory scene, it really turned me on" which I want to start using as my new pick up line. Hey, it works in the movie, right? I'd like to say that this film is brilliant and a lost classic and all, but I fell asleep during it. It does have a sort of cool soundtrack that would remind you of a Velvet Underground album or 70's soundtrack work by European bands like Goblin or Can, if you enjoy that sort of thing, which I do. Unfortunately, I've never seen the soundtrack to Snuff sold separately anywhere.

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