Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Book Review: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder by Michael Savage

I support the NRA, the Libertarian Party and Ron Paul enthusiastically. Michael Savage much less so- but I prefer writing about him. This is why- in 2009 Michael Savage managed to get banned from entering the U.K. I guess with the riots in the news this week, maybe they should have listened to him a little bit more, but that’s sort of a side note. I would not say that Michael Savage is an intellectual heavy-hitter of the right. Here’s the thing though- you say his name in conversation to a liberal they flip out. That’s hilarious. He is something much more interesting to write about. He is a man with the unique ability to offend and provoke as evidenced by his not being allowed to enter the U.K., which is sort of hilarious seeing what some people that are allowed to live in the U.K. are doing this week, i.e., looting, pillaging, and burning down buildings.
Do not suppose for a second that I am uncritical of Michael Savage- I reviewed another book of his on here, The Enemy Within. The Enemy Within and Liberalism is a Mental Disorder amount to more or less the exact same book, which is exactly the same as his radio show. I guess Liberalism is a Mental Disorder has a slightly different angle because he repeats the phrase “liberalism is a mental disorder” periodically. Not really, it’s more or less the same book. He actually wrote Liberalism is a Mental Disorder while George W. Bush was in office. His shtick hasn’t changed much over the years if you listen to his radio show ever. I couldn’t tell you otherwise with a straight face. He phoned those books in. It’s hilarious the extent to which he phoned them in. Here’s the part where he goes off on Islam. Here’s the part where he goes off on Illegal Immigrants coming over the Mexican border, and here’s the part where he blames it on the left, and then here’s the part where he singles out the ACLU. Done. Same book as the last one, he gets his check from the publishing house, good to go. His writing is perhaps the most formulaic and predictable kind of writing I’ve ever read.
I would, however, be lying if I said that I didn’t crack up when he started writing about bombing “krapistan” “back into the stone age”.
Do I really have time to read this whole book? The answer is probably not. I should get a radio though so I can tune in to Michael Savage as background noise when I lift weights or perform other mundane tasks. On the radio he at least gets in arguments with callers, which is when hate radio really becomes art….

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